What’s in a Name: Attention-Deficit or Deficit in Attention Regulation?

“Attention-deficit” implies that people with ADHD don’t have enough attention, but the real problem is that they don’t control their attention effectively. Mostly, they get distracted and shift their attention when they should have stayed on the original task. Sometimes, though, they stay glued on something when they should really shift.

Remembering to Remember: It’s All About Timing

In our busy lives, we all have dozens of little (and not so little) things to remember to do over the course of a day, such as phone calls and appointments. People with ADHD have great difficulty reminding themselves of these tasks at the right time, often forgetting completely or remembering only when it’s too late.

Sense of Time: It Can’t be 5:00 Already!

People with ADHD have difficulty monitoring the passage of time and planning accordingly, a skill that’s really important in today’s busy world. As a result, they tend to spend too long on some activities and not plan enough time for others. This contributes to their well-known time management problems.